Alex Riabchyn

Alex Riabchyn, Oleksii Riabchyn, Advisor to the CEO of Naftogaz of Ukraine

Naftogaz of Ukraine

Dr. Oleksii “Alex” Riabchyn is advisor to the CEO of Naftogaz of Ukraine on low-carbon businesses and EU Green Deal and advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine. He works on energy transition and supports the development of green businesses of the biggest oil and gas company in Ukraine.


DLD Munich panel discussion about Europe’s energy dependence on Russia

Fueling the Flames? Europe’s Energy Dependence on Russia

How can EU nations quickly reduce their reliance on Russian gas and oil? That’s the core issue of this expert panel discussion that brings together Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of…
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