DLD Video

Jack Hidary, SandboxAQ, and Jim Breyer speak about quantum computing at DLD Munich 2022


Jack Hidary

Sandbox AQ
Jack Hidary, quantum computing expert, CEO of Sandbox AQ

Jack leads Sandbox AQ, an enterprise SaaS company combining AI + Quantum computing to solve hard problems and create a positive impact on society. The inspiration for Sandbox AQ and some of the team began at Alphabet Inc. in 2016. Jack is the author of Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach.

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Jim Breyer

Breyer Capital
Jim Breyer, Breyer Capital

Jim is the Founder and CEO of Breyer Capital, a premier venture capital firm based in Austin, TX and Menlo Park, CA. Jim has been an early investor in over 40 technology companies that have completed highly successful public offerings or mergers. He has served as an investor/lead Director at 21st Century Fox, Dell, Etsy, Facebook, Marvel Entertainment, Wal-Mart, and many other highly successful technology companies.

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