Francis Kéré

Francis Kéré, architect, sustainability

Kéré Architecture

Diébédo Francis Kéré is an internationally acclaimed architect who garnered critical praise from the beginning of his architectural practice when awarded the prestigious Aga Khan Award for Architecture (2004) for his first ever building – a primary school he designed, raised the funds for and realized in collaboration with the residents of his native Gando, Burkina Faso.


Francis Kere, Francis Kéré, architecture, innovation, sustainability, DLD Circular, video, talk, presentation

Architecture for the Future

Renowned architect Francis Kéré is known for his daring, innovative designs and for pioneering sustainable modes of construction. In this engaging DLD Circular presentation, Kéré combines personal observations with the urgent need to…
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circular economy, sustainability, society, consumption, business

Why the Circular Economy Is the Future

Wasting resources is expensive and unsustainable. The circular economy promises progress by preserving natural resources and offers many new business opportunities…
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Architect Francis Kéré

Think Global, Build Social

War, protests against regimes, mass migration, environmental disasters: Can architecture mitigate differences in a more and more divided world? Architect Francis Kéré proves that it can help bring people together. Kéré has a clear vision: “As an architect you have the chance to create meeting spaces. In a more and more divided world you should do…
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