DLD AI Summit 2023 graphic

DLD AI Summit 2023

September 7, 2023 • Amerikahaus, Munich

AI is reshaping every industry: from mobility to health, from agriculture to media, education, science, and politics. Everything will be disrupted, new business models will emerge, along with fresh opportunities – and, ideally, global challenges will see innovative solutions.

Watch the videos to explore cutting-edge research, real-world applications, and visionary insights from experts in the field.


  • Profile image of Dan Oros, CEO of Creatopy
    Dan Oros

    Dan Oros

    Dan Oros is the CEO of Creatopy, an AI-assisted creative platform for effective advertising. Previously, he led strategic projects at Google & YouTube for 6 years. Before that, he was Country Manager at BlaBlaCar and worked in management consulting for AT Kearney and IBM.

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  • Profile image of Swedish AI researcher Daniel Gillblad
    Daniel Gillblad
    CHAIR & AI Sweden

    Daniel Gillblad

    Daniel Gillblad is Director of the Chalmers AI Research Center (CHAIR) and Co-Director of Scientific Vision for AI Sweden. His research interests include machine learning, large-scale data mining and their practical applications. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Royal Institute of Technology.

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  • David Kirkpatrick, Techonomy
    David Kirkpatrick
    Techonomy Media

    David Kirkpatrick

    A journalist and media entrepreneur, David Kirkpatrick founded Techonomy Media, which he led for 12 years. He is now focusing on climate tech, climate action, and the crisis of global heating. Kirkpatrick’s bestselling book The Facebook Effect has been published in 32 languages.

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  • Profile image of Dex Hunter-Torricke, head of global communications and marketing for Google DeepMind
    Dex Hunter-Torricke
    Google DeepMind

    Dex Hunter-Torricke

    Dex Hunter-Torricke is head of global communications and marketing for Google DeepMind, one of the world’s leading AI labs. Over the past 15 years he has advised leaders from technology and politics, including as head of communications for SpaceX and as head of executive communications for Facebook.

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  • Portrait of singer Elisabeth Furtwängler, known as KERFOR
    Elisabeth Furtwängler

    Elisabeth Furtwängler

    Elisabeth Furtwängler is a member of the Board of Directors of Hubert Burda Media. As a musician she records and performs under the stage name KERFOR (deriving from “to care for”). She is also the co-founder of Malisa Foundation, which campaigns for gender justice in the media.

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  • Portrait image of Euro Beinat, Global Head of AI and Data Science at Prosus Group
    Euro Beinat

    Euro Beinat

    Euro Beinat serves as the Global Head for AI and Data Science at Prosus, where he leads a team of AI professionals, providing strategic guidance and solutions to the companies in the Prosus group – one of the largest technology investors in the world.

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  • Profile image of Bulgarian politician Eva Maydell, Member of Parliament and President of European Movement International
    Eva Maydell
    European Parliament

    Eva Maydell

    Eva Maydell is a Member of the European Parliament and President of European Movement International. Her policy priorities include innovation and the use of new technologies as well as supporting entrepreneurs and sustainable investments in Europe.

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  • Ewa Duerr, Head of Product Management, Google Cloud Artificial Intelligence
    Ewa Duerr

    Ewa Duerr

    Ewa Duerr leads the Product Management team for Cloud Artificial Intelligence at Google. She brings a multi-year experience as an entrepreneur and investor as well as a global perspective, as she worked and studied across six continents and is fluent in six languages.

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See More Speakers



Journalist Andrian Kreye (Süddeutsche Zeitung) interviews Mark Surman, President of the Mozilla Foundation, at the DLD AI Summit 2023 in Munich.

The Future of AI, from an Open Source Perspective

Who controls AI, and how can the systems become more trustworthy? These questions lie at the heart of the DLD AI Summit discussion between Mark Surman, President of the Mozilla…
Professor Björn Ommer of LMU university Munich explains the basics of generative AI systems at the DLD AI Summit 2023 in Munich.

Generative AI: What’s Next?

How did AI systems become so powerful, so quickly – and what can we expect to see next? LMU professor Björn Ommer starts the session with a presentation about the…
Computer scientist Reinhard Heckel of Technical University Munich explains image processing at the DLD AI Summit 2023 in Munich.

Seeing the World With AI

Take a deep dive into AI and image processing with computer scientist Reinhard Heckel (Technical University Munich) as he discusses how neural networks are enabling a new era of imaging…
Panelists discussing the European AI ecosystem at the DLD AI Summit 2023, left to right: Andreas Liebl (appliedAI), Pegah Maham (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung), Daniel Gillblad (AI Sweden), Nicolas Miailhe (The Future Society) and Alexander Ilic (ETH AI Center). DLD AI Summit 2023

The European AI Ecosystem

What’s the state of generative AI in Europe, which challenges and opportunities lie ahead? This DLD AI Summit panel discussion, moderated by Andreas Liebl (appliedAI), brings together experts from all…
Economist Moritz Schularick (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), in the middle, speaks with Benedikt Franke (Munich Security Conference) and moderator Andrew Keen, left, about the impact of AI on society and politics at the DLD AI Summit 2023.

The Big Picture Outlook

What impact does artificial intelligence have on the economy? On international relations? On security? Top economist Moritz Schularick (Kiel Institute for the World Economy) and Benedikt Franke (Munich Security Conference)…



DLD AI Summit 2023 preview graphic with featured speakers in the foreground

AI Summit 2023 Preview

Artificial intelligence takes center stage at our event on September 7 in Munich. Who’s speaking and which topics are on the agenda? Take a look!
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Clay robot reading a book illustrates the question: How smart is artificial intelligence getting?

Good or Evil? How AI Is Transforming Life, Work and Society

Will artificial intelligence turn out to be a blessing or a curse? DLD speakers from science, business and technology share expert opinions.
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You.com founder Richard Socher speaks in an interview with DLD about AI, search engines and competition with Google

“The Goal Is to Be the Best Search Engine for You”

You.com founder Richard Socher explains how he’s putting users in control and aims to make artificial intelligence a trustworthy source of information.
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Iyad Rahwan, AI, cartoons, ethics, artificial intelligence

Entertaining the Dark Side: Iyad Rahwan’s “Evil AI” Cartoons

Can cartoons help us better understand the risks – and benefits – of artificial intelligence? Max Planck director Iyad Rahwan explains why he’s turning serious research into funny drawings.
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China, artificial intelligence, illustration

How China Is Leading the Way in Artificial Intelligence

Bestselling author Kai-Fu Lee explains why China has an advantage in benefiting from artificial intelligence, and what Europe needs to do to make up for lost ground.
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Map of Amerikahaus, Munich, DLD event location

Amerikahaus Munich
Karolinenplatz 3
80333 Munich

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